OMG! I was charged twice!!
- If you see a double pending transaction on your account you have-not been charged twice. What you see is a double authorization, which can happen if you "confirm" your order twice at checkout. Or, if you click the back button, and resubmit your order again. But don't worry, your bank will remove one of the multiple authorization charges within 24-72 business hours from the time of purchase. This does not include holidays, or weekends.
I want to purchase an item that is sold out.
- We try to restock items that are selling out quickly. However, we have added an option for you to be notified when an item does become available in stock. Simply click the "EMAIL WHEN AVAILABLE" button, on your sold out item, and we will send you an email notification once that item becomes available.
The Corporate Girl Planner
1890 FM 359 #303
Richmond, Texas 77407
To access the portal for all exchanges, please use the link below.
**Please be advised that due to exclusivity, availability and shipping delays from vendors, some items may not be available for exchange at the time of your request. In those instances, you will be issued a full refund for your order.