Planner Details
Are you sold out of physical planners?
Sometimes, we try and keep up with the demand for our planners, but occasionally do sell out. In that case, you can select to be notified when planners are back in stock.
When Can I Order a Corporate Girl Planner?
Pre-sales are available now, once the Pre-sales have been shipped and fulfilled we will begin selling the remaining planners to the General Public.
Can we customize any part of the planner or dividers?
Unfortunately at this point, we are too small to offer this feature. However, as we grow and expand that is the direction that we plan to grown in. Stay Tuned.
The planner is undated, but some of the tabs already pre-labeled?
Yes, our 6 month planner is undated, as it relates to months only. We have created stickers to allow you to start the planning process whenever you get your planner. Simply take a monthly sticker and stick it on one of the 6 blank tabs. This i also great in case you fall behind a month, and come back in a month or two, you haven't wasted an entire month planner sheets. However, the Notes Tab, Budget Tab, and Meeting Overview Tab are pre-printed since those three sections do not change, regardless of when the planner is received. The monthly calendar and the the remainder of the planner do remain blank and dateless. Happy Planning.
Will you offer your planner in a printable?
Yes! Once the full planner is finalized and ready shipping, shortly thereafter we will offer a some pieces of the Corporate Girl Planner. For now, we are only offering the Monthly Expenses Sheet as a freebie to customers who subscribe to our newsletter.